About Me

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Like all of you, I'm a number of things to a number of people...Navy wife, homeschooling mama, educated woman and aspiring writer. Read my thoughts on all of it here. Please feel free to leave your thoughts on all of it too!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 17

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I completely forgot to ask everyone what they're thankful for today.  I was just playing on facebook and saw a friend's status, where she said what she's thankful for.  So, you only get my thankfulness tonight.  And I'm thankful for silence.  There doesn't seem to be enough of it around sometimes.  And lately my thoughts have been quite active as well...which means there's not even silence in my head.  But when I do get it, I appreciate it more the older I get.  I think I understand why mom used to turn off the radio in the van sometimes.  

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