Who doesn't love a few minutes or a few days spent cruising the internet "meeting" incredible people who blog for this reason or that? I know I do. That is, when I have time to sit idle. (More on why that might not be the case in a second.)
Pensieve is hosting today's fun! So head to her site and make some new friends!
As for me...it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a Navy wife, stay at homeschooling mother of three, and aspiring writer*. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. Our kids are 7, 5, and 2 1/2. Mostly, they're good kids. Mostly, we're good parents. We all have our moments!
Feel free to wander through my blog...you'll read about everything from our parenting styles, our kids, eating and playing according to the Primal Blueprint, the Navy...you know...our life.
(*A little note about being an aspiring writer...I haven't actually submitted anything to anyone in about six months. Life has been busy, and fun, so this little dream has taken a bit of a back seat, except on my blog! Someday when I do get published and become famous - you can all say you knew me when...)
Hi, it's nice to meet you!
I attended she speaks this past weekend and learned that there are seasons to what we do... no, slow, and go..... a no season is okay... family comes first...
from one aspiring writer to another, good to meet you... :D
I have five "mostly good" kids myself! It's always been my dream to have something published - I feel like I'm doing that every time I blog and hit "publish"! :)
Hi! I'm an Air Force wife with three kids, so it's especially nice to met you! Best to you. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Always good to hear from another Navy Wife, especially a fellow Mustang Wife!
Nice to meet you!
We certainly all have our moments.
So here I am reading your blog hop, thinking.....I KNOW this person sounds familiar. Then I went and read your Friday Fill Ins, and am like "Oh I told my friend that I thought her sister would like doing these too" HELLO YOU DORK THIS IS YOUR FRIENDS SISTER! Your sister couldnt stop laughing at me. Nice to finally "meet" you! :)
DD&S...That's hilarious! It's nice to meet you too. I was just hanging around your blog, enjoying reading your thoughts. I'll be around again soon. Have a great weekend!
Stopping by from BlogHop 2010. Please tell your husband thanks for his service to our country.
Well as a blogger I think of it as practice for writing. Stopping by from the bloghop.
Stopping by from the blog hop to say hi. I have 2 mostly nice boys of my own. :) It's good to meet you!
Hi there! Hopped on over from Pensieve's site :)
Nice to "meet" you.
Making my way thru the Blog Hop...Nice to meet you!
Holly Diane
Just HOPPIN by,
Great blog, I will take a moment and check things out. Please vist me I'm #255
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