If you didn't know, Wife of a Sailor, posts these thought-provoking questions every Thursday and we (military spouses who want to put ourselves out there!) answer the questions on our blogs on Friday. Nifty little get-to-know-ya, huh?
Here's this weeks Q & A:
1. What secret indulgence do you act on while your spouse is away? (from Devil Dog Darling)
Scott hasn't been out to sea in a while. We've been on shore duty for 3 years. In the past, though, when he'd leave I'd get Netflix and watch movies, which we didn't do very often together. This winter when he leaves, things are going to be a lot different, so I'm not sure. I'll have kids old enough to know he's gone, plus we homeschool. So, I'll definitely be hiring a sitter to get out of the house every so often...we'll see what other indulgences I give in to!
2. If you were a spice, what would you be? (from New Girl on Post)
I actually went and googled spices to get a comprehensive list! I didn't want to forget one. :) After looking through the list, I've decided on vanilla. It's comforting and warm.
3. Where do you go for support when your significant other is deployed? (from Texas Meets Washington)
A number of places...it depends on what sort of support I need. I attend FRG meetings and gatherings when I can. I like knowing there's a connection we all have and they know exactly what Im' goign through right then. I also call my mommy when I need a shoulder. She doesn't necessarily know why I need her so much, but there's really nothing like mom. I have non-military friends who I occasionally depend on to help me think about anything but the military too.
4. What is the oldest thing you own? (from A Troop's Girl)
Good question...Scott has a sweatshirt from high school! But, actually, the oldest thing we have is probably something we got from one of our grandparents. When Grandma Gebel passed we got a dresser and a crib that were at her house. The crib is actually in NY at Scott's parents' home, as we don't need it. Jace uses the dresser. I also got some serving bowls from Grandma Kral after she passed. So, one of those things is probably the oldest...
5. How did you vision your future pre-military? (from Daddy's Duty)
I remember having a conversation in college where I was uncertain if I was following the right path...I was thinking that I didn't want to work my life away. I wanted to be home when my kids got home from school, to give them snacks and hear about their days. I wanted to take care of my husband and truly feel content in our life.
So, I guess...I'm doing that...I'm caring for our family, schooling our kids, feeding them snacks and living their days with them. I truly, currently, feel content with life.
(Sigh) That was cathartic. Lovely questions this week...be sure to check out all the other great answers too!
Oh, I forgot to mention the FRG for #3. All of you answers are so sweet! I would say vanilla's a good choice. :)
Yay for home schooling! I was until high school :)
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