About Me

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Like all of you, I'm a number of things to a number of people...Navy wife, homeschooling mama, educated woman and aspiring writer. Read my thoughts on all of it here. Please feel free to leave your thoughts on all of it too!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me! Monday...Spring Break Edition

I'm not a consistent contributor to MckMama's Not Me! Monday series, but this week I've got a few things to deny.

Let's see...we went to Florida this past week to impose on....er, um, I mean visit with my college roommate, her family, and her brother's family. We had an incredible time! We really did...but I didn't give in when it came to souvenirs. I didn't get Tyler (who already has a ton of trucks) a whole new set of 5 Cars vehicles and a new rescue truck from SeaWorld. Gracie and Jace got some fun things too...don't fret!

Well, maybe fret a little. I did...er, um, I mean didn't lose two of my three children at SeaWorld. Technically Tyler didn't even know he was lost, so that doesn't count. Gracie knew...cried...wouldn't let go of my hand for a few minutes...but I brought everyone home at the end of the day.

While on vacation I didn't give in to poor diet and lack of sleep. I didn't stay up hours past my bedtime to chit chat almost every night. It wasn't worth every filling-showing yawn I had throughout the week, not to mention the cups of sugar and caffeine I drank, to visit with such great people. I wouldn't do it again next week if the option were there. Heck, I wouldn't do it again every other week for a whole year...well, I might actually not want to do that...we might run out of things to say!

Anyway...now that we're back home, I haven't put off doing laundry for two days. I'm not still trying to catch up on the dishes that I'd left undone before our trip. I didn't make a to-do list today just so I could feel accomplished at something!

Long live not regretting vacations...or life in general!

Now go visit MckMama's site and see what other people aren't up to...

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