About Me

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Like all of you, I'm a number of things to a number of people...Navy wife, homeschooling mama, educated woman and aspiring writer. Read my thoughts on all of it here. Please feel free to leave your thoughts on all of it too!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Juggling In My Head

I feel like I'm not posting as often as I want to. I don't know if I'm keeping up with your expectations, but I'd like to post more often. I'll try to increase the frequency. However, there are no promises being made here!

I would like to tell you a few reasons that I'm not posting as often. For one, we're having lots of fun in our homeschool. Last week we went beach combing with our new homeschool group. And today we went for a walk in town and watched some construction happening. There's a new YMCA going up and lots more to do. The kids are really excited to see the progress!

Another reason for the infrequency is time. I feel relaxed most of the days, but at the end of it I'm beat. After the kids get tucked in and the evening's chores are done, I've usually got less than an hour before I want to be tucked in too. Sometimes I post in the middle of the day, during our after lunch rest period (one of the brighter ideas I've had, may I say?), but I also like to use that time to not think. I catch up on facebook, DVR'd reality TV, and play games. Sometimes I even try to read! In the morning before school could also be a blogging time for me, except there are usually dishes, laundry, floors, and toilets to clean. So, when I get the time or make the time...them I type to you. I'll try to start neglecting my other responsibilities so that I can do this more often! ;-)

And the other reason...there's a lot going on in my head. I need to write of the Space/Sky unit review and I have three other topics I've been playing with in my brain too. I tend to "write" in the shower and when I'm drifting off to sleep, but then there's no time to get in in print...so all this good material sits in my head! I'm determined, though. Over the next week or so, as long as I stay focused and no one minds putting on dirty socks and we don't stop to watch the marvel of construction, then...maybe I'll (possibly) post more often.

How's that for determined?

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