I'm a mom. You know what they say, parenting is a thankless job. That's not totally true, though. It's just that kids don't think to say thank you. But you can read it in their actions and words, if you look hard enough.
Hugs are my favorite form of thanks from all three kids. Jace likes to be sure he gets cuddle time every day and I know that those days are numbered. He's six already and discovering all sorts of things, like that mama and dada kissing is gross and that you can scrape the yogurt off yogurt raisins using that hole you have when you lose your first two baby teeth. Eventually he'll learn that cozying up to mama isn't cool. Until then, I'll take it and let him know I love every minute of it...and that I can tickle him to the ground if necessary. It's important to keep the underhand.
Tyler's been known to wobble back and forth and screech and coo, some sort of crazy dance when he sees dada or I. It's funny and endearing. It's love it's it's purest, most joyful form. He also gives spontaneous hugs and sloppy, open-mouthed kisses. Nothing says "thanks mom" like being wet from nose to chin!
Gracie said something the other day that really let me know I was appreciated. They were talking in class about what they all do when they're sad. Gracie raised her hand, because she's all about the rules. When she was called on, she stood up and said, "Well, sometimes you want mama and sometimes you want a milkshake." Could she have been more right?
Even though most of our thanks won't come until our kids have kids of their own, I mine all the nuggets of thanks out of the raw ore that our kids are...they're a gold mine!
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