You know when you get that feeling that you're not supposed to be doing something and then you do it anyway but as it turns out that feeling was right? That's what happened to me today.
Yesterday and today were pre-k registration. Here in Georgia they have a wonderful free pre-k program. The registration process is to get your child's name on a list that goes to a lottery. In a few weeks they'll announce which children get to go to the elementary schools and which get to be on a waiting list. If your child doesn't get picked in the lottery there are some private day cares that also have the free state program. Jace went to one of the day cares because we moved to Georgia after the lottery registration deadline. He had a great time there, but I had to drive him to and from, 98 miles a day. So, this year I was on top of things and knew exactly when I needed to get Gracie's name on that list and cross my fingers she got chosen in the lottery.
Well, yesterday when we were done running errands and got to the school to pick up Jace, and sign Gracie up, she and Tyler were both sleeping. I let them have their naps and simply picked up Jace and went home, thinking I had all day today. Of course, I waited until this afternoon when it was time to get Jace, 2:30 pm, to try again. They were taking registrations until 3:30 pm. So we parked at the school, put Tyler in the stroller, got Jace from the hoards of children waiting for their rides, and went into the office. I told someone why I was there and she asked for two proofs of residence, birth certificate, SS card, and "an immunizations card would be nice too." Well, strangely, I didn't have any of that, except the immunizations card which I keep in the diaper bag for reasons that only make sense in my head. It was explained to me that I couldn't even put her name on the list for the lottery until I turned all that stuff in. Period.
So, we trooped back to the car, got back in, folded the stroller, put it in, put our belts on, revved the engine and drove the approximately 12 minutes back home. I left the car running, ran in with my list of necessary items and plucked everything from it's place. The whole time I was thinking "maybe I'm not supposed to be doing this. I don't know why, but maybe Gracie's not supposed to go to pre-k at Jace's school. We're almost ready to put the house on the market and could move closer to the pre-k Jace went to by August...but if our house doesn't sell by then I'll be driving her to Kingsland again and I don't want to do that and with the market the way it is...I really should register her so that all bases are covered."
With that rationale, I hopped back in the car, kids waiting, when Gracie promptly annouced she had to go potty. Seriously? Now? I decided I'd better believe her and let her go. Thankfully she actually went. Then we drove the twelve minutes back to school...consciously trying not to speed, wondering why I was doubting whether I should even bother registering her.
With 15 minutes to spare, we pulled back in at the school. Everybody got out, went into the school, and I presented everything...only to hear that what I think is a birth certificate...isn't. Never mind that I've used it as one for the last 3 years and 8's just a momento from the hospital and will not be accepted for pre-k registration in the State of Georgia. Well, then. With 10 minutes to go, I tear up and try to tell the kind woman behind the desk that I understand it's not her fault, it's just frustrating that I obviously have no idea what's going on and Gracie will not be in the lottery for pre-k and I'll likely be driving back and forth from Waverly to Kingsland again (that's the 98 mile run) unless we sell our house which isn't even on the market yet...then I realize she doesn't know what I'm talking about or probably even care. I'm just some mom who's daughter is welcome to be on the waiting list once I get the appropriate papers in order.
I knew...I had the feeling...the voice in my head...and I didn't listen. Instead I spent a wonderfully beautiful afternoon driving to and fro. I did learn that I needed to order an actual birth certificate (that's done now). That's a silver lining, I guess. But I really think the lesson learned is that I might need to listen more to God when he's trying to save me the trouble. I don't know the bigger plan, but apparently it doesn't involve Gracie in pre-k at the school Jace is currently at. I don't know if that means I'll be driving a lot next year or that our house will sell or some other alternative I don't even know about yet. Time will tell...hopefully when the feeling comes that lets me know, I'll listen.
1 comment:
Ummm...Whats an "actual" birth certificate? and why so picky? weird Georgians.
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